Liam Hoare launches a new Fathom series in which our writers re-read classic texts. Past Continuous, Yaakov Shabtai’s novel of three friends set in 1970s Tel Aviv, was first published in Hebrew in ...
Alex Chalmers was co-Chair of Oxford University Labour Club until he resigned in February, alleging that a ‘large proportion’ of club members had ‘some kind of problem with Jews’, while many used the ...
Chris Williamson was a Labour Member of Parliament representing the constituency of Derby North. He served as Shadow Minister for Fire and Emergency Services under both Ed Miliband and Jeremy Corbyn.
In 2013, shortly after his nomination for US Defence Secretary, then Senator Chuck Hagel purchased three dozen copies of a book about President Dwight Eisenhower’s handling of the 1956 Suez Crisis. He ...
Karolina Placzynta is a researcher for the Decoding Antisemitism project at the Centre for Research on Antisemitism, Technical University Berlin. She explains the methodology and the main findings of ...
Lou Reed with his cousin Shirley Novick during the filming of Red Shirley Snag Film.
On 13 July, Fathom’s deputy editor Samuel Nurding sat down with the Eurasia Group’s Henry Rome to discuss the state of play in the nuclear talks between the US and Iran in Vienna and to assess what ...
Sam Faddis’s recent account of his time as a CIA operations officer in Iraq in the run-up to the 2003 Iraq War is a highly readable one replete with new details and lots of interesting tidbits about ...
From the cover of Chaim Gans's book 'A Political Theory for the Jewish People' (Oxford University Press, 2016).
Israel’s military operation to stop rocket fire at Israeli cities and to destroy Hamas tunnels under the Gaza-Israel border has drawn increasing criticism due to civilian casualties. To discuss the ...
Women sitting among ultra-Orthodox Jewish men in the front of a gender-segregated bus as part of a protest against the exclusion of women in the public sphere, 1 January 2012. Miriam Alster. Flash90.
Yisrael Medad argues that Peter Beinart’s quoting of Ze’ev Jabotinsky in his recent essay, as in his earlier work, is misleading, being true to neither the original text nor its historical context. In ...