The Texas-based microchip and registration company Save This Life went inactive. The Ocean County Health Department says the chips can be registered with a new company using the same chip.
A microchip could save your pet's life, but not if it doesn't work properly. When a lost pet with a microchip ends up at a shelter, staff can scan it to find out who the owner is and get in touch.
Save This Life was a microchip company and maintained a database of owner information that is accessed if a pet goes missing.
Save This Life is one of more than 40 microchip companies in the U.S. The Texas-based company was listed as inactive Tuesday, Feb. 11, according to Texas' comptroller franchise tax records.
Texas-based microchip and registration company Save This Life was listed as inactive Tuesday, according to Texas' comptroller franchise tax records. The closure sent pet owners scrambling for ...
After national pet microchip and registration company Save This Life shut down, pet owners are being encouraged to reregister ...