A fire at SpokAnimal’s quarantine trailer, which resulted in the death of three puppies, has been traced to a charger for a Bluetooth speaker.
The Animal Rescue League of Iowa says it helped remove 49 dogs and puppies from a licensed breeder in Washington County after ...
That specific golden retriever puppy must've had a feeling about the people who came inside because she separated herself from the rest of the pack. She sat and stared in the playpen, hopeful these ...
The Animal Rescue League of Iowa removed 49 living and 17 dead dogs from a commercial breeding facility in Washington County on Friday.
The Tampa Bay Humane Society’s Rescue Team says they saved three abandoned puppies from a cardboard box. A passerby called ...
WASHINGTON COUNTY, Iowa — The Animal Rescue League of Iowa rescued nearly 50 dogs in Washington County, according to ARL ...
A Bernese Mountain Dog pup has beaten the odds and is back to her happy doggie self, after veterinarians removed 44 ...
Three puppies were found abandoned in a cardboard box in Plant City on Tuesday. A good Samaritan spotted the box on the side ...
We’d wager a bet that you’ve never seen any cuter police recruits than these sweet puppies. Police dogs come in a variety of ...
Red pandas are the puppies of the bear world. These endangered non-aggressive bears are protected in Myanmar, China, Bhutan, ...
TV and movies portray dogs and cats as natural enemies, but strong bonds between unlikely friends extend to a cat parenting a ...