OnePlus 13 has been launched in India at ₹69,999, while iPhone 16 starts at ₹79,990. Both offer flagship specs under ₹80,000.
Additionally, the iPhone 17 Pro and iPhone 17 Pro Max are set to have upgraded telephoto lenses, jumping from 12MP to 48MP.
The iPhone 16, released in 2025, brings several advancements to the table when compared to its predecessor, the iPhone 13, ...
Both the iPhone 17 Pro and the iPhone 17 Pro Max will feature an upgraded 48-megapixel Tetraprism camera, making them the ...
There's one key upgrade and not much else. This year's upcoming iPhone 17 Pro and iPhone 17 Pro Max will allegedly share all ...
We're comparing 200 photos taken on the Google Pixel 9 Pro XL and Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max to definitely say which flagship is ...
I didn't expect much from an updated 3x telephoto sensor, but the OnePlus 13 delivers impressive camera zoom time and time ...
The cameras on Apple's and Samsung's premium devices shine in different ways. Here are the biggest differences.
This year's iPhone 17 Pro models will feature a smaller main camera sensor than the one used in the Fusion camera currently ...
The iPhone 16 Pro Max saw a couple of major improvements to its camera setup, gaining a new 48MP Fusion camera as well as a ...
Flagship smartphones have always sparked debates about value and performance, and the battle gets even tougher when you ...
In the past, the battle between smartphones was locked to Samsung vs Apple, but nowadays there are more competitors than ever ...