CalFire has new threat designations for areas much closer to urban areas than before. Maps for the Central Valley came out ...
Kerrville City Council unanimously voted down a zoning change to mixed use for about 24 acres of housing and commercial lots ...
the council has the final say on zoning changes. Formerly the First Baptist Church of Waterville and the oldest public building in the city, established in 1818, the property was purchased by ...
Some property owners had expressed concerns about the property potentially disrupting irrigation control valves that are near the project site. The seven-member Planning and Zoning Board conducts ...
Tameker Maye of North Pratt studies a potential rezoning map during a meeting at ... Maye was among nearly a dozen property owners in the Ensley/Pratt area who came to hear about tweaks to the ...
“Powers there that are used at the moment tend to be kind of inappropriate zoning of land, largely in rural areas where the planning regulator says, ‘Look, you shouldn't be really zoning that ...
“This, in our opinion, is an appeal from an action by the borough of Oakmont with respect to a decision that this property is being occupied and used in accordance with the zoning laws,” King sai ...
20—WATERVILLE — It ain't over 'til ... have taken a final vote Tuesday night on whether to amend the zoning map for church property at 3, 5 and 7 Park St., with certain conditions, including ...
Church leaders say the city has stymied its religious land use by failing to let it remove two buildings from its property. First Church of Waterville ... to change the zoning of its properties ...
ROBINSONS LAND Corp. (RLC) said it plans to open a Uniqlo Logo Roadside store in Sierra Valley Estate, Rizal, in March. “Opening in March 2025, this exciting addition to Sierra Valley is designed to ...