Do you know the difference between Marine Recon and Marine Raiders? While both of these elite communities have a lot of differences, they’re more similar than you think. In fact, the MARSOC Raiders ...
Want to know the difference between Air Force Special Reconnaissance and Marine Reconnaissance? Special Recon is brand new, whereas Marine Recon has been around since the 1940’s. Both of these ...
Undaunted by bad weather and scheduling challenges, engineers Fred Knudsen and Jeremy Wasson recently completed their mission ...
Col. Peter Eltringham, right, commander of the 12 Marine Littoral Regiment, congratulates Lt. Col. Jacob Godby on assuming ...
After years of training, a recon commando marches into the briefing room and declares, “I’ve got little flying drones, cyber forensic tools, and a long-range rifle. I want a target.” The boss looks at ...
[1] Sean Parrott and Anthony Perez, “The Future of Army Reconnaissance: Lessons from a Marine Corps Exercise in the Mojave Desert,” Modern War Institute, March 31, 2023, The Future of Army ...
The Galveston County Sheriff's Office Marine Division is collaborating with the United States Marine Corps 4th Reconnaissance ...
which include being the first Black man both to lead a Marine Reconnaissance company and to receive a battlefield commission, accolades confirmed by the Marine Corps. It also detailed his bravery ...
South Korea, U.S. stage air exercise as North-Russia concerns grow South Korea, U.S. stage joint air drills involving B-1B bomber South Korea, U.S. begin joint aerial drills ...