REXBURG — Police are issuing a reminder to pedestrians to use caution while crossing the street after two teenagers were ...
Rexburg has been named as one of the safest college towns in the Nation. According to Rexburg, is second in the rankings.
The city of Rexburg is in the initial stages of getting a new police station. A site for the new building has not yet been ...
Now in its 26th year, the Rexburg Barbershop Festival happens this weekend, featuring world-class a cappella talent and high ...
“This bill, to my knowledge, is the first of its kind in the nation,” Crane told the House Ways and Means committee when he ...
The Rexburg Chamber of Commerce is gearing up for its third annual Rexburg Restaurant Rush. It’s happening Feb. 28 through ...
Supporters of the bill focused their arguments on efficiency, while some opponents cite a lack of data could bring potential ...
"I'm not from here and I'm not used to Idaho winters. I don't think I knew how cold, cold was until I moved up here. And so ...
It’s said time and time again because it’s true — water is the lifeblood of Idaho. It is the fuel behind our irrigated food production, renewable hydropower generation and strong ...
Currently, the firing squad is Idaho’s secondary method. Sen. Doug Ricks, R-Rexburg, presented the bill, which he said would ...
When a bill that could slash health care coverage for tens of thousands of low-income Idahoans was introduced in the ...
Brigham Young University-Idaho is reporting an on-campus winter enrollment increase. Overall enrollment is down slightly, ...