A Bengaluru man was scammed of Rs 2.8 crore after fraudsters posed as bank employees and tricked him into activating a credit ...
AT&T Prepaid is giving away free and discounted phones for tax season. Visit any store before April 17 to grab these deals.
Social psychologist and author Jonathan Haidt recently predicted that U.S. schools will have banned smartphones from classrooms by next fall. Haidt, whose recently published book "The Anxious ...
It’s a question parents across the globe are grappling with: should my child have a smartphone? Some advocates and experts ...
The four schools - part of the Hanley and Upton Educational Trust - are supporting the Smartphone Free Childhood campaign group, which encourages parents to delay giving smartphones to their children.
For as much flack as modern smartphones can get for feeling like unoriginal copies of each other, there are plenty of very attractive models out there, featuring delicate contours, smart lines ...
Four schools in one county have each signed a pledge with the aim of becoming smartphone-free. The headteachers of Kempsey, Welland and Hanley Swan Primaries, along with Hanley Castle High ...