Le Conseiller-président Edgard Leblanc Fils aux obsèques des deux soldats des FAD'H assassinés à Delmas 30 Société ...
Dans une lettre adressée à Patrick Moussignac, PDG de la Radio Télévision Caraïbes (RTVC), Edgard Leblanc Fils, membre du ...
From left to right: Presidential advisor Edgar Leblanc Fils, CPT President Leslie Voltaire, Prime Minister Alix Didier Fils-Aimé, High Commander of the Haitian Armed Forces Derby Guerrier, and Police ...
De gauche à droite : le conseiller présidentiel Edgar Leblanc Fils, le président du CPT Leslie Voltaire, le Premier ministre Alix Didier Fils-Aimé, le haut commandant des forces armées haïtiennes ...
Sur les 270 adhérents de l'association, neuf ont ce grade : Denis Onfroy, Michel Cottebrune, Alain Le Courtois, Edgar Leblanc ... résume son fils Aurélien. Lors du prochain Salon de l ...
Just call him Matt Le-Blank Google Calendar. In the first clip featured in the TikTok — which appears to be pulled from a 2018 appearance LeBlanc did on the Scandinavian TV show “Skavlan ...
Transitional presidential council members, from left to right, Edgard Leblanc Fils, Smith Augustin, Frinel Joseph, Laurent Saint-Cyr, Regine Abraham, Fritz Alphonse Jean, Emmanuel Vertilaire ...
The Senate on Thursday voted 53-43 to confirm Troy Edgar, most recently an IBM executive, as deputy secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. Kristi Noem, secretary of DHS and a 2025 ...
LeBlanc’s endorsement adds to a sizeable number of Liberal MPs already behind Carney, with more than 80 backing his candidacy so far You can save this article by registering for free here. Or ...
For context, 57-year-old Matt got his big break when he landed the role of Joey Tribbiani in the hit NBC sitcom back in 1994, which ran for 10 seasons before coming to an end in 2004, when Matt ...
Gov. Jim Edgar at his farm in southern Illinois in 1998, checking on three of his horses. David Zalaznik/Associated Press file Share Former two-term Illinois governor Jim Edgar on Monday revealed ...
Edgar, 78, who served as the state’s chief executive from 1991 to 1999 and currently leads a bipartisan program through the University of Illinois aimed at training the state’s future ...