Nearing 80 years of age, Country Music Hall of Famer and Grand Ole Opry member Barbara Mandrell has made infrequent public ...
The Sporting News is tracking live updates and highlights as Texas and Xavier wrap up the 2025 March Madness First Four games ...
Nine's Wide World of Sports on MSN56m
Raducanu brutally sacks coach after one match
The world No.60 is on the lookout for her eighth coach of her career after she parted ways with Vladimir Platenik.
James had led the Lakers as high as the No. 2 seed in the Western Conference with Luka Doncic by his side, but the Lakers have dropped to fourth without the King. The Lakers actua ...
German voters have had their say. Now their verdict is being turned into reality underneath the glass dome of Berlin's landmark Reichstag building.
The popping sound of a swing-top bottle brings a small joy to many beer drinkers - but also to a group of physicists in Germany who have proven how various factors combine to create a sound that is ...
「日本一の過密空港」とされる福岡空港(福岡市博多区)で、20日に第2滑走路の供用が始まる。滑走路の混雑解消が目的だが、インバウンド(訪日客)の急増で福岡空港の旅客数は当初の予測を既に超えた状態にある。滑走路の増設で過密は解消し、「アジアの玄関口」とし ...
ドジャース・佐々木朗希投手がメジャー初登板初先発し、3イニング1安打3奪三振5四球1失点だった。1回は1番・ハップに3球連続100マイル(約160キロ)超えの直球勝負で左飛、2番・鈴木は6球目で空振り三振、3番・タッカーは2球で中飛。鈴木への初球で、 ...
ドジャースの佐々木朗希投手(23)は、先発登板でメジャーデビュー。1回に鈴木誠也外野手(30)からメジャー初奪三振をマークすると、5四球の荒れ球ながらも3回を1安打1失点に抑え、3―1とリードしたまま後続にマウンドを譲った。3奪三振、ストライク率45 ...
El colombiano tuvo la chance de reencontrarse por el gol con un tiro desde los 12 pasos, pero pateó muy mal y el arquero le ...
윤석열 대통령이 지난 1월 체포된 이후 김건희 여사가 총기 사용을 언급하며 대통령 경호처를 향해 질책성 발언을 했다는 정황이 포착된 것으로 전해졌다. 19일 MBC 보도에 따르면 12·3 비상계엄 43일 만인 지난 1월 ...