With any album cover project, there are many considerations to be thought about during the design process. When one is doing a fresh version of a classic design, these take on a whole new complexion.
The day was perfect. The atmosphere right. The river flowing. The birds in full song and a demented lawnmower reverberating around the Arena. The lights go down (unknown to us, so does a stand) and ...
17 February DG Corner Hotel, Richmond, Melbourne, Australia (with Guy Pratt, Jon Carin, Gary Willis, Tim Renwick, Scott Page, Margret Taylor, Rachel Fury and Durga McBroom) 18 February PF National ...
12 April PF The Cow Palace, Daly City, San Francisco, CA, USA 13 April PF The Cow Palace, Daly City, San Francisco, CA, USA 15 April PF University Activity Center, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, ...
Q: Prepare for the most in-depth profile the Source has ever presented. For the next four hours, it's Pink Floyd. David Gilmour: We're not splitting up or anything, officially or otherwise, but we ...
David Gilmour: The situation is, is that Virgin wanted to release the soundtrack, and in order to do so, CBS or EMI made him sign a piece of paper on the case saying essentially, if you want to put ...
Over the years, Pink Floyd's album covers and artwork have given us many iconic images. Many fans have created designs based on these, and with much thanks to Gillis, a Brain Damage regular, we have a ...
UPDATE, January 2022: My name is Burt Dodge & I am an airship artist, I painted the Division Bell airship in 1994. I recently read the article that appeared in Brain Damage magazine/online about The ...
Since the publication of this book, Nicholas Schaffner has sadly passed away. Any criticism of this tome is not intended as any disrespect to his memory; he achieved much in his life, and we have been ...
Well, it is finally with us - the Australian version of the first "best of" album that a past or present member of Pink Floyd has released showcasing their solo career. Gaining a gradual release ...
We are very sorry to report that the legendary producer, and later recording artist in his own right, Norman "Hurricane" Smith, passed away on Monday evening (March 3rd, 2008) aged 85. Born on ...
Rock musicians exploring classical instrumentation is nothing new. Deep Purple did it. Ditto for Metallica, ELP, and new-wavers ABC. Hell, ELO made it part of their sound. The musical success of these ...