We have over a million object records online, and we are adding to this all the time. Our records are never finished. Sometimes we discover new information that changes what we know about an object, ...
We have over a million object records online, and we are adding to this all the time. Our records are never finished. Sometimes we discover new information that changes what we know about an object, ...
A former World War Two RAF veteran has received more than 1,000 cards from all over the world to mark his 100th birthday. Richard "Dick" Skepper, who joined the air force when he was 18 when the ...
HE was among 35,000 men who fought the Germans for nine long days in one of the bloodiest battles of World War Two. But 80 ...
The newly formed State of Israel made use of the only thing available, it wasn’t the best and they didn’t have a lot of them, ...
Men of No. 59 Squadron RAF with their pet rabbits at Vert Galland Aerodrome, 15 May 1918. Animals were essential for both sides in World War One. As well as working hard, they were important for ...
June 20, 1941 As U.S. participation in World War II looks more likely ... Heavy losses are sustained on both sides; in one nighttime raid on the 24th, RAF forces lose 72 aircraft.
[1] Great Britain, Poland, Belgium, Italy, U.S.S.R., U.S.A., Germany.--Book 2. British Commonwealth, Canada, South Africa, British African territories, India, British ...
Jets of flames 'came towards me' Taking to the skies in an RAF Tornado After World War One he was given command of 74th Squadron, flying in operations over Russia and Iraq. Semi-retired at the ...
A Hebburn-born RAF officer whose story ... join the air force and see the world." "It’s difficult to stand back from one’s ...