However, Dijak says he wants to be known as a guy that always gives his all, no matter what he’s doing. “I am seeing this a lot more, and more, and more, especially from people who see me on ...
Na prvi mednarodni olimpijadi v umetni inteligenci za srednješolce, ki sta jo v Rijadu organizirala raziskovalna centra iz Savdske Arabije in Slovenije, je med 90 tekmovalci iz 25 držav slavil ...
Predstavniki vlade in sindikatov javnega sektorja so danes šest ur iskali kompromisne rešitve za še odprte člene novega plačnega zakona. Kot je po koncu pogajanj povedal glavni vladni pogajalec, ...
A new match is set for MLW Slaughterhouse. One of Donovan Dijak's open contracts has been signed. MLW has announced that TJP will battle Dijak in St. Petersburg, Florida, at MLW Slaughterhouse. Major ...
He's held the title for 89 days and captured it by defeating Matt Quay on June 22. Some of the names on the list include Dijak, Who is currently making the rounds on the independent circuit after ...
TNA Wrestling has announced that Matt Cardona will go up against TNA World Champion Nic Nemeth in a Pick Your Poison Match at the upcoming TV tapings in Spartanburg, South Carolina. The tapings will ...