Edmundo González Urrutia, a prominent Venezuelan opposition leader who was elected, to many in the international community, as the legitimate winner of the July 28 presidential election ...
CARACAS, Venezuela — Venezuela's top prosecutor ... incited ''police and military officials to disobey the laws.'' Gonzalez's and Machado's written appeal shows the alleged commission of various ...
saying that Venezuela's ''law will be respected.'' Machado told reporters tally sheets show Maduro and Gonzalez received more than 2.7 million and roughly 6.2 million votes respectively.
The mystery deepens surrounding the identity of the former Cuban intelligence officer arrested in the United States on ...
Venezuelan opposition leader, Edmundo Gonzalez said: "Venezuela is facing a critical situation because the regime insists on clinging to power despite having been widely defeated in the elections.
On Thursday, Gonzalez is expected to meet with Dominican President Luis Abinader, who joined other South American and Caribbean leaders in support of his claim to the presidency of Venezuela.