from plush toys and action figures to detailed models and sculptures ... Some long-neck dinosaurs were preyed upon by large carnivorous theropod dinosaurs, such as Allosaurus and Tyrannosaurus rex.
Birds are actually dinosaurs. They evolved from theropods, a group of mostly meat-eaters that included Velociraptor and T. rex. Pterodactyls are flying reptiles that lived at the same time as the ...
We know this because some fossils from creatures such as Archaeopteryx and Sinosauropteryx — both theropod dinosaurs — have preserved feather imprints. And some Velociraptor fossils have tiny ...
The shinbone of a megaraptorid. Image credit: Nadir Kinani/Museums Victoria Most of the dinosaur fossils found in Victoria belong to small plant-eaters called ornithopods. But there are also a few ...
The megaraptorids and carcharodontosaurus were theropod dinosaurs. Theopods were primarily carnivores and walked on two hind legs. They range in size from the small Coelurosaur up to the giant ...
Most of the dinosaur fossils found in Victoria belong to small plant-eaters called ornithopods. But there are also a few theropod fossils — a diverse group that includes all known carnivorous ...
Two dinosaur bones have also been reported from the Knysna area in the Western Cape. One of these, a theropod tooth, was found – and correctly identified – by a 13-year-old boy. Clearly ...
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Theropods are classified as carnivorous dinosaurs that are able to walk on two legs with hollow, thin-walled bones and usually small forelimbs – the tyrannosaurus is a famous example.