Shraddha Kapoor recently celebrated the success of her horror-comedy movie, Stree 2 with her friends. The actress was spotted exiting an eatery in Mumbai, dressed in red.
Earlier today, the tickets for Coldplay India Tour 2025 went live. Despite the accumulation of an additional show, the passes sold out in no time leaving fans fuming. Read on to know their thoughts.
Raj Kapoor kept a condition before the Kapoor family before visiting Karisma Kapoor when she was born. Raj Kapoor captures ...
Karisma Kapoor is the first-born of Raj Kapoor's son Randhir Kapoor and Babita. In the book Raj Kapoor: The One and Only ...
Navya Nanda turned up in a stunning green saree and blouse to attend a Mumbai event with her bestie Ananya Panday. The duo ...