Gov. Greg Abbott shows openness to online sports betting, but Texas senators remain unlikely to legalize it. DALLAS — Gov.
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott offered President Donald Trump land for more border wall, military bases to house federal authorities ...
The closest Texas has gotten to legalize sports gambling was in 2023, when a bill by State Rep. Jeff Leach cleared the House ...
Gov. Greg Abbott is ready to allow online sports betting in Texas. In an exclusive interview for the Texas Take Podcast, ...
The governor was expected to declare his emergency items for the legislative session in his speech, starting at 5 p.m. CDT.
Gov. Greg Abbott said Tuesday that he now supports online sports gambling. During the Houston Chronicle's, Texas Take Podcast ...
Governor Greg Abbott announced Sunday that the Texas National Guard has been authorized to carry out immigration arrests ...
The goal running the ads with the governor's State of the State speech was to separate people from politics, a pro-LGBTQ ...
Greg Abbott named seven emergency items including property tax cuts, water infrastructure and restricting bail.