Temukan cara mengobati batuk berdahak secara alami dan cepat dengan bahan-bahan rumahan. Panduan lengkap mengatasi batuk ...
Kenali penyebab anak tiba-tiba muntah saat tidur, gejala yang perlu diwaspadai, serta cara mengatasinya agar anak tetap sehat ...
Selain warna bening dan putih, coba cek kembali arti warna ingus Anda. Bisa jadi warnanya berubah menjadi agak kuning, hijau, atau kuning kehijauan. Jika iya, infeksi dari virus penyebab flu dan pilek ...
Raw cheese made with milk from dairy cattle infected with bird flu can harbor infectious virus for months and may be a risk to public health, according to a new study from researchers at Cornell ...
The 2024–25 flu season has been the worst since the agency began tracking the seasonal virus 15 years ago, OHA said. As of March 8, 1,592 people had been hospitalized. Two children have died ...
Here's what you need to know about bird flu. What is bird flu? The H5N1 bird flu virus has spread among a variety of bird species, including chickens, ducks, turkeys, geese, and many migratory ...
Raw cheese made with milk from dairy cattle infected with bird flu can harbor infectious virus for months and may be a risk to public health, according to a new study from researchers at Cornell ...