As of April 2024, more than 130 million people lived in places with polluted air, an increase of roughly 10% from the same ...
Nashville calls for public input on air pollution permit applications, with a review deadline by March 16, 2025.
A new study has revealed that the air inside your home may be even more polluted than outside - with common household ...
Marina Henke: A few years ago, a group of scientists researching salmon die-offs in the Pacific Northwest found the culprit: ...
Bringing aromas indoors with the help of chemical products — yes, air fresheners, wax melts, floor cleaners, deodorants and ...
To help South Bay residents with odors caused by the ongoing Tijuana River Valley pollution crisis, the Air Pollution Control ...
Everyone loves a breath of fresh air. Unfortunately, too often our air is anything but fresh. While air quality varies dramatically from place to place and day to day, nearly ...
High fine particulate matter levels in the air drive Wayne and Kalamazoo counties to be redesignated as nonattainment areas ...