Cocoa grindings in Europe and Asia fell in the last three months of 2024, the strongest signal yet that chocolate makers are ...
This year was always going to be important for the European Union, given the start of a new EU Commission mandate, a ...
The brouhaha between the tech bros led by Elon Musk and Donald Trump’s nativist supporters over whether to restrict skilled ...
Despite its failure, Cruise got as close as almost any company has to operating a viable commercial driverless car service.
One of the more jaw-dropping policy ideas gaining political steam in the United States recently has President-elect Donald ...
If you were to use TikTok’s own vernacular to describe its current state, you might say the vibes are unsettled. A law ...
Medtem ko so napovedi za evrsko območje povečini slabše, je nasprotno pri ZDA, za katere je MDS napoved popravil navzgor.
V skupinsko tožbo v ZDA se sicer ne morejo vključiti evropski oglaševalci. Smo pa specialista povprašali, kaj je v tej zgodbi ...
Medtem ko umetna inteligenca posamičnim kupcem prikazuje najbolj relevantne izdelke v spletni trgovini, v ozadju izbira tudi ...
Spoštovani bralke in bralci,leto je naokrog in spet smo pred intenzivnim poročevalskim obdobjem. Tudi tokrat je zakonodajalec ...
Več samostojnega odločanja bomo dovolili računalnikom, večja bodo tveganja za posameznike in gospodarske družbe.
Odlagališče v Forsmarku bo financirala jedrska industrija, 500 metrov pod zemljo bodo hranili 12 tisoč ton odpadkov ...