Giant inguinoscrotal (GIS) hernias are rarely present in clinical settings and its treatment with a minimally invasive approach is often considered a challenge. In recent years, robotic surgical ...
A man in his 50s presented to the emergency department with a complaint of progressively increasing swelling in the lower abdomen. Investigations revealed a large pelvic mass for which a fine needle ...
Splenic torsion is a very rare condition, with splenomegaly and recent birth as known possible risk factors. We report the case of a woman with known splenomegaly, who presented with left-sided ...
A woman in her 70s on pembrolizumab for non-small cell lung cancer experienced progressive fatigue, intractable nausea and reduced mobility since commencing her cancer treatment. After repeat ...
Gummatous tuberculosis, also known as metastatic tuberculous abscesses, represents an uncommon manifestation of cutaneous tuberculosis, marked by the presence of persistent subcutaneous abscesses. We ...
We describe the case of a middle-aged man with stage IV metastatic melanoma receiving ipilimumab/nivolumab combination therapy. Two weeks after receiving his third cycle of treatment, he presented to ...
Air embolism is a rare complication of endovascular procedures with hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) as a potential treatment. We report a male patient in his 40s presented to the emergency department ...
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We present a case of a male in his early 50s assessed in the emergency department with a seemingly clear alcohol history but with classic symptoms of Wernicke’s encephalopathy (WE): disorientation, ...
Acute idiopathic scrotal wall oedema is an uncommon cause of acute scrotal oedema that usually affects the paediatric population and is rarely encountered in adults. It frequently goes away without ...
Obstructive hydrocephalus is a rare complication of pituitary prolactinomas, especially in women, where symptoms of amenorrhoea rarely go unnoticed. In this study, a case of a female in her 20s with a ...