Forbes surveyed billionaires on their favorite president from American history. Here's who they picked, and hint—it's not ...
Whatever one feels about Trump, some historians say Presidencies like his and Roosevelt's can signal a new era.
Amid the abundance of controversies evoked by the presidencies of Donald Trump, I am anticipating legal scholars will opine ...
After three years of economic reversals, with a quarter or more of Americans out of work, with hope and courage nearly gone, Roosevelt swore allegiance to the Constitution. A great many people urged ...
The 32nd U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s four terms in office helped inspire the 22nd Amendment in the first place. Ratified in 1951, the amendment came after Roosevelt had been elected ...
On March 12, 1933, just eight days after taking office, President Franklin D. Roosevelt addressed the American people in an unprecedented national radio broadcast.
Clint Hill, the Secret Service agent who leaped onto the back of President John F. Kennedy's limousine after the president ...
Unreserved reservations for the federal park service site, which includes the 26th president’s home, are set to be paused starting Monday and for the remainder of March, according to The Friends of ...
the Michtoms gifted Kermit Roosevelt Jr., the grandson of the late former president, one of the original bears for his children. After treasuring it for a year, the family donated the bear to the ...