Industrial agriculture on the Great Plains began in the 1950s when mechanized pumps and sprinkler irrigation systems allowed trillions of gallons of water to be pulled each year from the Ogallala ...
The Great Plains are home to some of the largest cotton and wheat harvests in the United States. The eight-state region is also home to the country’s biggest cattle ...
The Kansas Geological Survey earlier this month completed its annual campaign to measure the Ogallala Aquifer, which supplies the western one-third of the state with water. The Ogallala ...
That is the Ogallala ... Aquifer. He said that this is something everyone should know about. “Every single one of us relies on water, whether you're in agriculture production like me, or you ...
The well, wide enough to fall into, taps into the Ogallala aquifer, the immense underground ... Hope lies in technology; farmers show me iPhone apps that track water use so precisely that as ...