Marvel's Star Wars comics have introduced a notable trend of "dark opposite" characters in its expaned universe, including ...
Together with his modified Imperial droid ... the Star Wars charm and help to break up the otherwise all-human crew. Aiding the Rebellion to restore the Republic and organizing the Rogue One ...
The first look at the final season of the acclaimed Star Wars drama ... Mendelsohn as his Rogue One character Director Orson Callan Krennic, and Rogue One fan favorite droid K-2SO, which is ...
Getting lost in the galaxy far, far away is easy, so here's our guide to watching all the Star Wars movies in order ... to overthrow the Republic using a droid army. Obi-Wan is captured, along ...
So does Alan Tudyk as the droid K-2SO, as the events of the Disney+ series careen ever closer to those of "Rogue One" and "Star Wars: A New Hope" itself. “Star Wars” fans need this.