If you've gotten any texts lately telling you that you need to pay up after using an Indiana Toll Road, that message is not legitimate. It's part of a new smishing, or text scam. "Scammers have ...
This nationwide scam includes scammers trying to get money by notifying people they have "unpaid toll road fees." ...
Every interstate highway in Indiana potentially could become a toll road under legislation green-lighted Thursday by the Republican-controlled House. House Bill 1461, sponsored by LaPorte County ...
The plan to pay for Indiana's road maintenance needs can be ... interstate highways located within 75 miles of the Indiana Toll Road (Interstate 90). The measure also would permit tolls to be ...
(WDRB) -- A bill advancing in the Indiana ... toll existing interstates — an approach that hasn't yet been used. The law now requires the first such toll lanes to be 75 miles from existing toll ...
If you've gotten any texts lately telling you that you need to pay up after using an Indiana Toll Road, that message is not legitimate. Here's what to know.