Nathan Fillion is stepping into the DC Universe as Green Lantern Guy Gardner in James Gunn ’s upcoming Superman , and the actor is embracing Gardner’s brash, cocky, and borderline insufferable nature.
2011's Green Lantern became such a notorious critical ... I also felt that Parallax, our bad guy, was just a cloud with a face on it — literally, that’s all it was. And also you had Ryan ...
As someone who has always hated Guy Gardner, I can't believe he's become my new favorite Green Lantern, surpassing even my beloved John Stewart. To that end, the new Green Lantern Corps #1 does ...
As the director of “Green Lantern,” Martin Campbell was far ... I also felt that Parallax, our bad guy, was just a cloud with a face on it — literally, that’s all it was.” ...
DC’s Absolute Universe will expand with three new series this year, and one of the most anticipated and mysterious new ...
As the director of “Green Lantern,” Martin Campbell was far from the first ... I also felt that Parallax, our bad guy, was just a cloud with a face on it — literally, that’s all it was.” “And also you ...