If we look at the Aarel ghat on the other bank of the river, it tells the same tale. Countless sewage drains also enter the river right before the ... contamination and pollution in Allahabad.
Hundreds of millions of people and a huge range of wildlife rely on the river Ganges. But pollution, dams and removal of too much water (mostly for agriculture) have affected the flow and health of ...
Hundreds of millions of Hindu devotees have bathed in sacred waters, despite concerns over overcrowding and water pollution, ...
India’s environmental authorities have raised concerns over dangerously high levels of faecal bacteria in the Ganges river at Prayagraj ... report by the Central Pollution Control Board ...
The Ganges, one of India's largest ... includes a sacred pilgrimage to the river. Tests showed that biochemical oxygen demand (a measure of organic pollution) was double the acceptable level ...
plans to cover more cities along the Ganges to do its bit to reduce river pollution. Harita Mehta spoke to Karan Rastogi, the co founder of Help Us Green about the initiative ...