Cape Cod, a beautiful cape southeast of Boston in Massachusetts, is gorgeous year-round. However, as is the case for the rest ...
Nauset, a 31-year-old North Atlantic right whale, was seen by aerial observers about 5 miles off Wellfleet with a calf.
New tracking devices are providing data on the behavior of loggerhead turtles who have been returned to the ocean after being ...
Cape Cod stands at a precipice—both literal and metaphorical. Its shores recede at an alarming rate, losing up to 45 feet ...
Residents of a neighborhood on Cape Cod are furious that their homes will be taken by eminent domain and destroyed for the ...
As water temperatures rise, researchers said “there is a strong possibility” that more sharks could be seen past traditional ...
A luxury home that had been on the verge of tumbling into Massachusetts' Cape Cod Bay due to erosion has ... of concern for unintended effects on the beach and how water carries nutrients in ...
For the first time, researchers finally have the tools to track these turtles beyond a few months after their release, thanks ...
From A new report from the National Park Service ranks Cape Hatteras National Seashore as the 35th ...