With his alter ego The Incredible Hulk, Bruce Banner has access to remarkable powers to save the day from supervillains when ...
The most important events to have happened to Hulk throughout the MCU’s history have happened between movies, and I’m furious ...
Edward Norton did not reprise his role as Bruce Banner again. Therefore, many MCU lovers don’t take him seriously as the Hulk. But that’s a mistake ... his daughter Betsy practically cuts him out of ...
She’s a lawyer, but green! Luckily, in the show’s premiere episode, a training sesh with her cousin Bruce Banner gives her the chance to transform and hulk out. Later on, a number of annoying ...
The Incredible Hulk came out in the summer of 2008 ... As a result, there was no direct sequel. Original Bruce Banner actor Edward Norton didn’t return to the role, replaced by Mark Ruffalo ...
Edward Norton did not reprise his role as Bruce Banner again. Therefore, many MCU lovers don’t take him seriously as the Hulk. But that ... practically cuts him out of her life entirely.