"Gorgeous George: The Outrageous Bad-Boy Wrestler Who Created American Pop Culture," a 2008 biography on the legend by John Capouya, went as far as to claim that George created pop culture as we ...
Livingstone emphasizes in the book Cardinal Pell’s resilience in the face of adversity and how his unwavering faith served as ...
However, with his trademark green tongue, hairy torso and penchant for eating turnbuckles, George "The Animal" Steele might be the most unorthodox man to step foot in a WWE ring. While he was ...
While the reigns of George I and II had been marked by a royal detachment from the administration of American colonies, King George III asserted his claim on the colonies strenuously. The king saw ...
George W. Bush is an American politician. He served as the 43rd president of the United States and was sworn into office in 2001. Bush was re-elected president in 2004 and inaugurated for a second ...
George Segal was an American Pop artist. Though he began his career as a painter, he is best known for his iconic figurative sculptures. Easily recognizable as completely white plaster casts of people ...
George Catlin was an American artist known for his paintings of Native American culture during the early 19th century. Catlin’s primary aim was to document the tribes and landscapes of the frontier ...