Unfinished Work – Tribute by Aylan Couchie, a Nishnaabekwe interdisciplinary artist, curator, writer and Georgian College ...
Aaniin, She:Kon, Nakurmiik, Tanshi, which means hello in Ojibwe, Mohawk, Inuktitut and Michif (the traditional language of the Métis). I hope each of you – our ...
To drive true inclusion and belonging in the region, current policies and systems need to incorporate trauma-informed, decolonized and environmental perspectives, according to a new Insight Report ...
In just two years at Georgian, Ethan McCallum, a student from Orillia in the Mechanical Technician – Precision Skills program, has already made a name for himself in his trade and most recently on the ...
Illuminate the past. Inspire the future! Learn the foundation of all museum and gallery work. Network with museum and gallery professionals. Work with Georgian College’s The Campus Gallery and ...
Embarking on a successful career often requires a mix of education, dedication and practical experience. For Brianne Chaloner, a graduate of the Office Administration – Medical diploma (now called ...
Enjoy engaging faculty. Experience exciting, project-based classes. Choose a variety of hands-on experiences in the ECE field.
Develop your passion for golf. Get hands-on experience in both golf operations and business fundamentals with paid co-op and field trips. Build your network and more!
Develop your skills during placements. Become an integral part of a health-care team. Graduate job-ready or pursue further studies.
Staff from student services are here to help you with all the usual supports and resources. Most services will be available in person, with some continuing to offer remote service as well. Here are ...
Become a dual-trained clinician. Placements in a variety of settings will prepare you for a rewarding career in health care.